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2022 Facilitator Flyer (Twitter Post) (1).jpg

Apply to be a Classroom Workshop Facilitator with Rivers of Hope

Are you passionate about challenging racism, prejudice, and hate?

 Do you want to gain experience teaching and facilitating workshops?

This might be the opportunity for you!  


Applicants must be between 18-25 years old and live inthe Greater Toronto Area or Hamilton.


Facilitators must complete 8 hours of paid training and facilitate at least 3 workshops with a partner per school year.


Be part of a fun team and learn lots! Each facilitator receives a $200 honorarium for every workshop they facilitate.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 31st, 2021

Do we facilitate our workshops online or in person?  

In 2020-2021, we facilitated ALL of our workshops online. This looked like joining virtual classrooms on Zoom or Google Meets or being live-streamed into physical, in-person classrooms.


In 2022, we will continue to offer online workshops and live-stream our workshops into classrooms. We expect that most of our workshops will be in these online formats. In addition, we will start offering an in-person workshop option for classrooms that are interested in that.


As a workshop facilitator, you will only facilitate in person if you are comfortable doing so and if you are fully vaccinated.  If you are not comfortable and/or vaccinated, you can facilitate workshops online. 


What Our Facilitators Have Said About Rivers of Hope

The staff at Rivers of Hope are professional, prepared and a delight to work with. I genuinely enjoy our meetings and look forward to engaging with everyone and brainstorming on ways to create more powerful content for our students. I consider it a blessing to be working with them!

Rivers of Hope offers a space to create fun and engaging dialogue on combating the rise of Islamophobia. Working with our team of facilitators has been a meaningful experience to collaborate and learn from one another. I'm excited for the impact we hope to continue making in our communities.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 31st, 2021

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